School Calendar

Monday, 16 December 2013

SNOW WHITE - Tuesday 17th December

Dear Parents, Just a quick update regarding tomorrow’s pantomime “Snow White“. Pupils who are not going to the pantomime are expected to be in school. Miss Harwood will be teaching these children for the afternoon. The buses will leave school at 12.45pm, therefore normal lunch time arrangements will be in place. The bus will return at approximately 4.40pm. Years 1,,2 and 3 at the library entrance to the school. Years 4, 5 and 6 near the War Memorial. Please do not park your cars near the library or the War Memorial, as we have 6 buses that will be dropping the children off, the buses will also need to turn to leave. As normal, we will dismiss the children to parents from the buses as soon as it safe to do so. If you have children on two buses please be assured that we will wait for you. Full School uniform must be worn, no pocket money is required for this trip. Children are allowed to bring a drink and a small bag of sweets if you wish to provide them. Many thanks for your support, Mr. Llewellyn