Newsletter to all Junior Parents 19th December 2013
Dear parent(s) and Guardians,
Since September 2013, all Primary and Secondary Schools across Wales have used the Literacy and Numeracy Framework. The LNF ensures that the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills are embedded in all subjects across the curriculum rather than focused on English, Welsh and Maths lessons alone.
For many years we have taught Maths successfully in separate Maths classes to home classes.
The advantage of the maths classes, are that we can support and challenge groups of pupils.
since September 2013, we are required to teach literacy and numeracy skills in all lessons. Staff and children have adapted to this extremely well and lesson observations during the Autumn term have been very positive.
As a school we feel the children will now benefit by having a consistent teacher delivering Maths and English lessons in the morning, and the same teacher developing these skills across the curriculum throughout the day.
It is for this reason that we will teach Maths in registration classes from January. We will continue to implement, monitor and evolve our curriculum as the LNF influences areas such as reporting to parents over the coming years.
We are confident that this approach to developing Numeracy and Literacy skills in all lessons will benefit all of our pupils over the coming years. If you would like to find out information in relation to the LNF please visit:
What a wonderful Christmas!!
This year the children and parents at the school have made the most of the opportunities to get into the Christmas spirit. The school has;
• Held a PTA Christmas Fayre
• Held a PTA breakfast with Santa
• The Country Dancers performed in the Village Fayre
• The School Choir and Orchestra performed in the Llantrisant Christmas Tree Festival
• The Foundation Phase performed 3 Magical Moments Shows to almost a thousand parents and grandparents
• The Juniors performed 3 Shows to almost a thousand parents and grandparents
• The Nursery visited Santa at Cefn Mabley
• Reception visited Santa at Deane Heritage Centre
• Years 1- 6 Visited Porthcawl Pavillion to watch Snow White
• Every Foundation Phase child visited Santa Claus Today in school
• The school sang Carols around the Christmas Tree in the Main hall this afternoon.
Thank you to all of the PTA for their fantastic support as ever. Additionally we would like thank all of the parents who have provided costumes, transported children to venues and supported the school in so many ways. It is very much appreciated.
You can now follow Pontyclun Primary School on Twitter @pontyclunpri
The beginning and end of the school day
As we constantly look to improve our systems and procedures we have identified an opportunity to allow children to exit the school more efficiently. As a result we will implement a number of changes from January;
• In the morning there will be two bells, one rung at 8.58, this will tell the children that they can put their coats and bags on pegs and enter the classroom calmly and quietly. The second will ring at 9.00 am, this will be the official start to the day. Pupils arriving after the second bell should follow normal procedures for late arrival i.e. Report to the office and sign the late register.
• Mrs. Morris and Miss Davies class will now exit the building from the original “boys entrance” to the school. This door is located opposite the bike shed. This will disperse parent numbers on the yard at 3.30pm and allow teachers to see parents easier and therefore dismiss pupils quicker.
• Year 6 pupils will be dismissed from the area outside Miss Robinson’s room.
• Year 5 will be dismissed from the area outside Year 5.
If your child regularly walks home alone at the end of the day, and is therefore not handed to a parent please sign and return the slip below to their class teacher on the 7th January.
Inset day
Just a reminder that Monday the 6th January is an inset day.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout the Autumn term and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Miss Harwood