School Calendar

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Dates for Diary

Dear Parents Reminder of dates for your diary:- Thursday 19th December – Our Christmas party will be held during the afternoon. Please could your child bring their own plate of party food on this day clearly labelled with their name and class. Please bear in mind that your child will already have had a school dinner/packed lunch before the party, therefore only a very small amount of party food will be necessary in order to avoid waste. School will provide drinks for the children. Children can wear their party clothes to School if they wish. However, they will be going out to play during the day so please make sure your child wears sensible shoes and coats etc. Friday 20th December - This day will be a non-uniform and toy day. Please make sure your child does not bring in a toy to school that can be easily broken or is expensive as we cannot be responsible for damage or loss. Monday 6th January 2014 – Inset Training Day, therefore pupils will start the new Term on Tuesday, 7th January. Thank you for your continuing support. Miss Harwood