School Calendar

Friday, 18 October 2013

October Newsletter

Dear Parents Spooky Disco The PTA are holding their Spooky Disco on Thursday, 24th October. Tickets are available from PTA representatives and cost £2.00 each. Parents can also pay on the door. Infants 5.00 – 6.15 p.m. (must be accompanied by an adult) Juniors 6.30 – 8.00 p.m. (must be picked up by an adult) Harvest Festival We will be having an in-school Harvest Assembly on Friday 25 October. We will be collecting loose change to fill our harvest picture. Please could children come to school on Friday with their loose change collections. In memory of Mrs Davies, we would like to raise money over the year for her favourite Charity, Tŷ Hafan. We would also like to support a local Food Bank scheme at Bethel Baptist Church and would welcome any tins/cans/dry goods for this Charity. (No fruit or vegetables) Chair of Governing Body Mrs Sian Bolton, our Chairperson of the Governing Body has resigned as a Governor after serving a fantastic 16 years with the School. We would like to thank Mrs Bolton for her tremendous support over this period. Her service to the School has been immeasurable and we are grateful for her contribution over so many years. We would also like to offer a very warm welcome to Miss E Godwin who has taken up the position of Chair of our Governing Body. Lunch Menu Changes Catering Direct is changing the menus from Monday 4th November. The new menus will be displayed outside the main hall doors should you wish to view them, please note that chips will now be served on Mondays instead of Fridays. However for our first week back, there will be a slight change as it is National School Meals Week. On Monday 4th November, there will be homemade pizza or pasta king, salad or coleslaw, herby diced potatoes or boiled potatoes and fruit cocktail. On Tuesday, 5th November, as this is National Sausage Appreciation Week, there will be jumbo sausage, potato croquettes, baked beans and dessert or fruit yoghurt. Meals from Wednesday onwards will be as described in Week One menu. P.T.O Dinner Money Dinner money should be paid to School every Monday morning FOR THE FORTHCOMING WEEK. If parents wish to pay for a longer period of time, e.g. half a term, that is acceptable. Please note that meals cost £2.25 per day. CHEQUES FOR DINNER MONEY SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO RCTCBC. Please write your child’s name and class on the back of the cheque. Whenever possible, please do not send in cash. I would like to remind all parents that if there are any arrears outstanding on Friday 25th October, these will be reported to the arrears team of the LEA. Parent Evenings Parents evenings are scheduled for 26th and 27th November. Appointment letters will be sent out in the new half term. Absence from School – when your child is absent from school, please ring School on the first morning of your child absence and leave a message stating your child’s name together with specific details of your child’s absence. Dogs Please may I remind parents that dogs are not permitted onto the school yard, either walked or carried. Stomach Bugs If your child has suffered a stomach bug, namely vomiting and/or diarrhoea, please note that your child must not come back to school until 48 hours has elapsed from the last episode of not being well. Children in Need Friday 15th November – we will inform you of the theme after the half term holiday. I hope everyone has a good half term holiday. Mr Llewellyn