14 December 2009
Dear Parents
Christmas Concert
Christmas Concerts are on Wednesday 16 December at 6 pm & on Thursday 17 December at 1.45 pm and 6 pm. Can children please be in school by 5.45 p.m. to prepare for the evening performances. Can children please wear school uniform, but if they wish to add to the festivities, they may wear Christmas accessories. There will be a raffle following Thursday night’s performance so please could you write your name and contact details on the back of your ticket.
Christmas Parties
These will take place on Monday 21 December. Individual Year groups will organise food and drink and arrangements themselves, details will follow very shortly.
Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December
Just to remind parents that school is open as normal on these two days. Both days will be non-school uniform and Tuesday will also be a toy day. Please be aware that the school will not be responsible for loss or breakage of toys brought in, so please do not bring valuable toys or games.
Christmas Dinner
This will take place on Wednesday 16th December.
Dinner Monies
Please ensure that all dinner monies are settled before the end of term. Please be aware that details of any outstanding monies will be passed on to the Authority for collection.
Lost Property
The amount of lost property is on the increase. Please encourage your child/children to check lost property for any missing items.
There are no clubs next week. The only clubs cancelled this week are Rugby, Welsh Dancing, Show Stoppers and Games for Year 2. Any further changes will be posted on our website under ‘latest news’.
H Roberts