Dear Parents,
School Inspection
Just to remind you that the school will be inspected by Estyn the Welsh Assembly Inspection Service next week. The inspectors will be in school from Monday afternoon until Thursday evening. Please don’t forget the ‘Parents meeting with inspectors’ on Monday evening in the main hall at 4.30 pm.
Sam Wilkins
A big thank you to Sam for all his efforts in replacing/ laying a number of carpets in the Infant areas. His efforts have made a big difference to the learning environments that your children are working in and we are ever so grateful for his support and assistance.
Christmas concerts
Tickets for the Christmas carol concerts are available from the school office from tomorrow. Tickets are £2.00 each and we will need to limit the number to 3 per family in the first instance. Any tickets left over will go on general release on Friday 11th December.
Concerts will take place on
Wednesday 16th December at 6pm
Thursday 17th December at 1.45pm
Thursday 17th December at 6pm
Children in years 1 -6 will be taking part.
If you wish to purchase tickets please return the slip below with the money by Thursday 10th December. All tickets will be entered into the Christmas Prize Draw to be pulled after the Thursday evening concert.
Details of the New Year Pantomime will be provided in January.
I wish for ________ (max 3 per family) tickets for the Carol concert on:
(please circle)
Wednesday 16th December at 6pm
Thursday 17th December at 1.45pm
Thursday 17th December at 6pm
I enclose ___________________ as payment for the tickets.
Signed ____________________________ Parent/guardian of _________________
Class/es _______________________