School Calendar

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Pantomime Arrangements Yrs1 - 6

Packed Lunches

Please ensure your child comes to school with a packed lunch tomorrow.  Can all packed lunches be in a disposable carrier bag with disposable drinks cartons / bottles (no fizzy drinks) so that all rubbish can be collected and disposed of before returning to school.

Travel Arrangements

We will be leaving school at 11am to travel to Aberdare.  If your child requires a travel sick pill, please can you ensure that they bring the tablet to school in a clearly marked sealed envelope with the child's name and stated dose clearly marked on the outside.  This must be handed to the class teacher at the start of the day.

We will return at approximately 3.30pm depending upon traffic conditions and being able to leave Aberdare at approximately 2.30pm.  As we are taking nine coaches (9), dropping off the pupils will need to be co-ordinated very carefully.  Therefore, please would parents / carers please not park their cars on the road, Heol y Felin, outside the school and Pontyclun Library.  If this road becomes congested with parent / carer parking, we will be forced to walk the pupils from further afield, increasing the health and safety risks.

ALL pupils are to be collected from their classrooms as per normal to ensure all pupils are handed over to their respective parents / carers.  Would parents / carers please congregate on the school playgrounds as per normal collection arrangements.

Sweets / Treats and Money

If you wish your child to have a sweet / treat during the performance, please provide as part of their packed lunch.  We will not be allowing children to purchase sweets in the auditorium so therefore, no money will be required.

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their school uniform as per normal.


If your child requires any regular medication / asthma pumps etc., can you please ensure that they come to school with your child, clearly labelled and that the teacher is made aware.

We thank you very much for your co-operation in these matters.