School Calendar

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Party day and Toy day

16th December 2014

Dear Parents / Carers,

Party Day

Party day is Thursday 18th December 2014.  Could children please bring in a personalised plate of food to eat during their class party.  Could parents / carers please ensure that plates do have their child's name and class on them to ensure that all children get the plate that they brought in.  Pupils may wear party clothes to school but could parents / carers please ensure that these are sensible and appropriate for the whole school day as children will be going out to play as usual.

We would ask that where crisps and savouries are provided for individual party plates, no nuts ie: salted peanuts / cashew nuts etc, are provided in the party plates due to a number of children suffering from nut allergies.

Toy Day

Friday 19th December 2014 is toy day and your child may, if they wish, bring in a toy to play with.  Please be aware that the school will not be responsible for any loss or breakages that may occur during the school day.  Could parents / carers please use their discretion on the nature and value of the items that their child / children are bringing to school.

Toy day will also be a non-school uniform day but pupils will not be asked to contribute for this.

Friday, 12 December 2014


A big thank you to everyone who generously supported the RCT Santa Appeal.  We had an amazing response. All your gifts were collected on Wednesday afternoon, in the lovely Christmas sunshine, by the lads from Garden Services, Treforest. You have all helped to make a lot of children very happy.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Pantomime Arrangements Yrs1 - 6

Packed Lunches

Please ensure your child comes to school with a packed lunch tomorrow.  Can all packed lunches be in a disposable carrier bag with disposable drinks cartons / bottles (no fizzy drinks) so that all rubbish can be collected and disposed of before returning to school.

Travel Arrangements

We will be leaving school at 11am to travel to Aberdare.  If your child requires a travel sick pill, please can you ensure that they bring the tablet to school in a clearly marked sealed envelope with the child's name and stated dose clearly marked on the outside.  This must be handed to the class teacher at the start of the day.

We will return at approximately 3.30pm depending upon traffic conditions and being able to leave Aberdare at approximately 2.30pm.  As we are taking nine coaches (9), dropping off the pupils will need to be co-ordinated very carefully.  Therefore, please would parents / carers please not park their cars on the road, Heol y Felin, outside the school and Pontyclun Library.  If this road becomes congested with parent / carer parking, we will be forced to walk the pupils from further afield, increasing the health and safety risks.

ALL pupils are to be collected from their classrooms as per normal to ensure all pupils are handed over to their respective parents / carers.  Would parents / carers please congregate on the school playgrounds as per normal collection arrangements.

Sweets / Treats and Money

If you wish your child to have a sweet / treat during the performance, please provide as part of their packed lunch.  We will not be allowing children to purchase sweets in the auditorium so therefore, no money will be required.

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their school uniform as per normal.


If your child requires any regular medication / asthma pumps etc., can you please ensure that they come to school with your child, clearly labelled and that the teacher is made aware.

We thank you very much for your co-operation in these matters.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Newsletter 5th December 2014

Santa Appeal

Thank you very much for the generous donations for the Santa Appeal. We will be taking the parcels next week to ensure that those children who need them receive them in time for Christmas.

Dinner Money

There are still a lot of pupils who have considerable arrears outstanding. Please be aware that our accounts are sent to RCT on a half termly basis for the debt to be collected. Under School Meals Protocol, the School will be within it’s right to refuse pupils a school meal until all the arears are cleared. A packed lunch will have to be provided or your child has to be picked up for lunchtime.

Parents / carers must pay on a Monday for the current week, ie: paying in advance for the week’s meals. The current cost of school meals in £2.25 a day.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner will be on Wednesday 10th December 2014. If you wish your child to have Christmas Dinner please ensure the office has received payment of £2.25 by Monday 8th December 2014.

Dates for your diary

Monday January 5th 2015 is a Training Day for teachers and the school opens for the Spring Term to pupils on Tuesday January 6th 2015. I apologise for any confusion this might have caused.


Attendance figures for the fortnight dated 17th November to 28th November 2014.

Breakfast with Santa

Just to remind Parents / Carers that the PTA are running the annual Breakfast with Santa this Saturday 6th December 2014 from 9.30am to 11.30am. Tickets are £3.50 which includes a visit to Santa’s Grotto, a present and a breakfast.

Christmas Tree Festival

The School will be participating at the Christmas Tree Festival on Saturday 6th December 2014 at Llantrisant Church. The Choir will be singing and the school will be displaying it’s Christmas Tree entry.

Pontyclun Christmas Fayre

The School Choir and Country Dancing club will be performing at the Pontyclun Christmas Fayre at the Athletic Club from 1pm. A big thank you to Mrs R Davies and Miss L Davies for their hardwork and effort in organising these and other performances over the Christmas period.

Christmas Pantomime Trip Years 1 – 6

Can all Parents please provide their children with a packed lunch and disposable drinks carton in a plastic carrier bag for this trip on Thursday 11th December 2014. All children will be eating their lunch in the auditorium after which we will be disposing of all their litter, therefore please do not send anything that you wish to have returned. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Please note that school uniform should be worn as ususal.

Pupils not attending the school pantomime trip are still expected to attend school as normal.

Videoing and Photographing of School Perfomances

If there are any parents who DO NOT wish their child / children to be captured on film during the Christmas Performances, please inform the school office on 01443 237833. If there are no objections then Parents / Carers will be free to take photos and videos as usual. However, please be aware that should there be objections we will be obliged to ask Parents / Carers to not film or take photographic images during the performances.

Ticket Re-Sales

Infant concert tickets will be on re-sale on Wednesday 10th December 2014 subject to availability on a first come, first served basis, with a maximum of three tickets to be sold per family in the first instance.

After School Clubs

After School Clubs have now ended for this Term and will re-start on the week commencing Monday 12th January 2015.

Swimming Lessons

Year 6 swimming lessons. The last lesson will be on Wednesday 10th December 2014.

Year 3 swimming lessons have now ended.

Year 4 and Year 5 will be swimming on a Friday (start date to be confirmed) for the whole of the Spring Term. Please ensure your child comes to school with their swimming costume and a towel. They may bring goggles if required.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Christmas Concert Tickets for Juniors / KS2

Just a reminder to say that some parents have not yet purchased their child's Christmas Concert tickets for the Junior performances.  These are on Monday 8th December 2014 and Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 1.30pm. 

ALL tickets not sold by Wednesday 3rd December 2014 will be offered for sale on a first come first served basis to any parents from Thursday morning whether or not they have already bought tickets. 

We have sold out of Grandparents tickets for the Junior performances however you are welcome to buy parent performance tickets for grandparents, should you require any extras.

Monday night football

Tonight's after school football club with Mr Roberts has been cancelled tonight due to unforeseen circumstances. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.