Apologies for the lack of news on this blog recently. We have had some difficulties with this in the last half term but thankfully it has been fixed! We will be updating this regularly and informing parents of any latest news and also the newsletter will be show on here.
To also find out regular updates please follow us on twitter @pontyclunpri
Thank you very much to all the pupils and parents who helped make our Children In Need day such a success. We are very proud to have raised £1,172 for Children In Need
Dates for your diary
Monday January 5th is an INSET day for teachers and the school opens for the Spring Term to pupils on Tuesday January 6th 2015. We apologise for any confusion this might have caused.
The local authority is continuing to monitor our school attendance and every year provide us with a target to achieve. This year the target is 96.1%. Please would parents continue to support the school in achieving these targets. We will be informing parents of attendance figures fortnightly from now on.