School Calendar

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Dear Parent(s)/ Carer(s),

 I would like to invite you to a Parents Open Evening on Monday 10th March at 18.00. The purpose of the evening is to make parents aware of the I-PAD “APPS” that we use in school to support teaching and learning, and to explain the educational benefits of using a program called Purple Mash. We have recently renewed our Purple Mash subscription and we want to redistribute passwords and user names to all pupils (Nursery – Year 6). (The Login relates to the year that your child’s cohort began nursery education).

 Andy from 2 Simple (the company who created Purple Mash) will be available to demonstrate using the online program. The school has purchased the software to improve the following in a fun and engaging way;

• Further improve the standards of writing across the curriculum
• Engage all pupils (especially boys) in writing.
• Develop mathematical skills.
• Develop ICT skills across the curriculum.
• Further involve parents in school work and projects.

I am in the process of putting links from the news blog and all class blogs to the purple mash site for Pontyclun Primary School. The site is After the presentation we would like to invite parents to visit workshops where they can discuss APPS that are used in school that support teaching and learning. A full list will be sent to all parents next week so that parents who cannot attend on Monday receive the information.

Many thanks for your continuing support,

Mr.  Llewellyn