School Calendar

Friday, 20 September 2013

Healthy Pupils, Healthy School ...

Healthy pupils, Healthy School … Dear Parent(s), As mentioned in the newsletter on the 17th September we are working towards becoming a healthier school and appreciate your support in this. Earlier in the week we sent the following extract from the newsletter: Our pupil, parental and staff surveys identified that we all wanted to conform to the status of a healthy school. Nursery and Reception are now having fruit provided as snack for a fee of £1 per week. Please could all parents of Yr1 - Yr6 ensure that snacks are fruit. Crisps, biscuits etc. can be provided as part of a packed lunch. Pupils having school dinners are offered a dessert daily. I would like to thank you for your support in this matter and for the many positive comments regarding pupils’ perception of fruit since the start of term. For example, a number of parents have commented that, “seeing their friends eat fruit has encouraged them to do the same”. Drinks: If your child brings a bottle to school to drink throughout the day we do ask that it contains water. If your chid is having packed lunch then squash, orange juice etc (please no fizzy pop), can of course be included and drank then. If your child has school dinners they have a squash / water option with their meal. The reasons for water during the day are; • Water will keep children hydrated and encourage better concentration. • Squash can contain a high level of sugar and too much can be detrimental to learning and in some occasions behaviour. • We can refill water containers. We appreciate your support in this matter. As a result of our partnership working with CCFC, we have been extremely fortunate to have been nominated as a Guga (Get up, get active) Fit school for the coming year. The project aims to “make being healthy a habit” and is explained in the attached information. The team will spend time with each year group on Monday and Tuesday in the main hall, culminating in a whole school assembly on Tuesday afternoon. Please could you check the timetable and ensure that you child brings their PE kit on the following day (with the exception of reception/nursery who will participate in uniform).The timetable for next Mon/ Tuesday is as follows: Monday 9.15-10.00am Year 3 10.00-10.45 am Year 6 10.45-11.30 am Year 5 1.25-2.10 pm Year 4 Tuesday 9.15-10.00am Nursery 10.00-10.45 am Reception 10.45-11.30 am Year 1 1.25-2.10 pm Year 2 Whole school assembly at 2.30 pm. To give you a little taster of what to expect when they come and visit follow this link to a video of their first visit to a school in Cardiff. Gugafit .com will give you more information on healthy lifestyles. We consider this a fantastic opportunity to work together to become not just a healthy school, but a healthy community. Many thanks Miss S. Harwood