7th June 2013
Dear Parents,
Summer Term 2 Newsletter
Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the half term break. As we look forward to a busy final half term of the school year we have some important dates for your diary. (All of these dates are available to view on the school website under school dates).
School Equipment
The school is investing in new outdoor equipment for the infant and junior yards. Please could parents be mindful that pupils and siblings should not be playing on equipment before or after school. We would like to keep our current equipment in good condition for all pupils.
Sun tan Cream
As we are finally getting some lovely sunny weather, just a reminder, please can pupils come to school suitably dressed (no bare shoulders) with a hat, sunglasses and sun tan cream already applied. Pupils can bring in sun tan cream and re-apply this themselves at mid-day. We will ensure that pupils don’t spend too much time in the sun and we will remind pupils to use shaded areas in the yard.
Friday 7th June – Thank you all for your support for this PTA event. The children have had a fantastic day.
Friday 14th June – Year 6 transition trip to Morfa Bay
Tuesday 18TH June – School photographer to take individual and sibling(s) photographs of all pupils for the academic year 2012-13.
Tuesday 18th June – all pupils who raised over £50 in last year’s CCFC penalty shoot out will receive a guided tour of the Cardiff city stadium.
Friday 21st June – Junior school trip to Drayton Manor Years 3-6
Monday 24th June – School Inset day – school is closed to pupils.
Tuesday 25th June – Infant Summer fun activity day. Please could all infant pupils come to school wearing trainers, shorts and t-shirts. Could pupils also bring a drink and a hat. Unfortunately, due to space constraints we are unable to invite parents on this day.
Tuesday 25th June- New Nursery pupils parents’ evening- 6pm
Wednesday 26th June - Junior sports day. Please could all pupils come to school wearing trainers, shorts and t-shirts. Could pupils bring a drink and a hat. Parents are welcome to view the events down the sports field behind the War Memorial.
Thursday 27th June- CCFC Penalty shootout for Yr 1, Yr 2, Yr 3
Friday 28th June –CCFC Penalty shootout for Yr 4, Yr 5, Yr 6
Saturday 29th June- School Fete
Tuesday 2nd July- Reserve fun activity day for Foundation phase
Wednesday 3rd July- Reserve Sports day for KST 2
Thursday 4th July- Transition day where pupils meet their teacher for next year. Yr 6 go to Y Pant on this day.
Friday 5th July- Yr 1 and Yr 2 to Park Play
Yr 6 Prom 6.00 pm until 9 pm
Tuesday 9th July- Nursery trip to Noah’s Ark.
Thursday 11th July- Reception trip to Bristol Aquarium
Friday 12th July- Reports to Parents
Monday 15th July- All dinner monies to be paid please ( to include all meals to the 19th July)
Wednesday 17th July- Staff available to discuss reports if required (3.30 to 5.00pm) Please inform class teacher if you wish to take up this option.
Thursday 18th July - Pontyclun’s Got Talent
Friday 19th July- Toy Day / Non Uniform. (It is not advisable to bring in valuable or precious items).
Many thanks again for your continued support and co-operation.