School Calendar

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Newsletter 26.04.13

Dear Parents

Due to the success of Mr Roberts’ secondment, RCT Education Department has asked him to remain in his secondment for a further academic year.  This would mean that Mr Roberts would be back in School for September 2014.  In the meantime, myself and Mr Llewellyn will continue in our current roles until his return.

Dates for the diary:-
6 May May Day Bank Holiday - no school on this day.
17/19 May      Llangrannog   weekend        Year 5
8 June             Country Dancing Dance Festival at St Fagan’s
14/16 June     Morfa Bay weekend Year 6
24 June         Inset Training Day - no school for pupils
4 July       Transition - this is where Year 6 will attend Y Pant Comprehensive and all other      classes will meet their new teacher
19 July            Last day of term

Tests in general
8 May Literary tests Yr2 – Yr6
9 May Maths tests Yr 2 – Yr 6
We have been advised by Welsh Government to have a look at some sample tests.   If you wish to have a look at these tests yourself, please log onto the following website at and follow the links for Numeracy sample materials and Literacy sample materials.
14 May           CAT tests for Yr 4
7 June CAT tests for Yr 6

Sports days
25 June          Foundation Phase   
26 June          Junior Department
2   July Reserve date for Foundation Phase
3 July              Reserve date for Junior Department

Absence from School – when your child is absent from school, please ring School the first morning of your child absence and leave a message stating your child’s name together with specific details of your child’s absence.  

Healthy Snacks – Only fruit, vegetable or salad snacks are allowed. 

School Meals  - Just a reminder that School Meals are now £2.25 per child per day.   Parents are also reminded to pay on Monday for the meals that your child/ren will be having that week.  If you are paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to RCTCBC (with your child’s name marked on the back) or pay on line via our website.

Cleaner - A vacancy has arisen for the position of a cleaner at Pontyclun Primary School.     The hours required to work are 10 hours – 2 hours per day either before or after school in our Foundation Phase building.  If you know of anyone who would like to express an interest in the position, please ring the School Office on 01443 237833 to let us know.

Only Kids Aloud – We have received information regarding the formation of a children’s choir.  For information regarding applications can be found if you follow the ink -

Yours sincerely
S Harwood