Dear Parents,
Christmas Parties
Christmas parties will take place on Monday afternoon. Please be aware that unfortunately, any food brought in has to be bought, and not made at home. Drinks will be provided for by the school. It is also a non-uniform day.
Toy Day
Toy Day is on Tuesday and is also a non-uniform day. Please remember that any toy brought in is the pupil’s responsibility. School will close at normal time.
Sadly, we have to say goodbye to Mrs Marlow, who is moving schools to become a Deputy Head. We wish her all the best! A warm welcome to Mr Bevan, who will be replacing Mrs Marlow. Mr Llewellyn will become Acting Deputy Head, and will be teaching part time with Mr Burgess, in order to fulfil his Deputy duties. Mrs Gardiner will be teaching full time in January.
School Meals
With the end of term quickly approaching, please could I remind parents that all meals are to be paid for in advance on Monday morning. It is school procedure to report any arrears at the end of the half term to our auditing team at the Education Office.
Christmas Concerts
A big thank you for all your support during the Christmas concerts. The children looked and sounded fantastic! We are very, very proud of them all again this year.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely
Miss Harwood
Deputy Headteacher