08 October 2010
Dear Parents
Car Park
May I please remind you that the staff carparks are not for the use by parents for dropping off and picking up children. Would the lady in the black Landrover please desist from using the carpark by the Junior building. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Thank you for your kind donations of small change and coins – we raised the staggering amount of £301.10 plus 1 yen, 2 parking tokens to Universal Studios, 2 Folly Farm ride tokens, 2.5 euros and 1 Barbados dollar!
We have organised for “WiseKids” to provide a parents workshop on safe internet use.
WISE KIDS: Promoting Innovative, Positive and Safe Internet Use. This is a really useful and important workshop to ensure your child is being safe and using the internet properly. If you wish to come along please fill in the form below so we can have an idea of numbers. http://www.wisekids.org.uk
Dinner money
Please would parents ensure dinner monies are paid on a Monday and that the correct amount is sent in.
Parents evenings
A reminder that we will be having parents evenings on the 19th and 20th October.
H Roberts
Head Teacher
Child’s Name _________________________________ Class _______________________
*I would like to attend a” WiseKids" workshop. *Please delete as appropriate
Signed _______________________________________________________