Dear Parents,
Its hard to believe it but the school year is almost at an end and we will shortly be closing for the summer break. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all those parents, carers, and adults who have helped the school and our pupils at times throughout the year. Your assistance and additional skills and experiences are, and have been, highly valued and appreciated by all of us.
Mr Llewellyn
Congratulations to Mr Llewellyn and his wife Leah on the birth of their first child. Pictures of Jac Lewis Llewellyn are already published on the Year 5 blog!
Congratulations again to Mr Llewellyn on his appointment as Acting Deputy Head of Pontyclun Primary starting in January 2010 as I begin my secondment.
Mrs A Wilkins
As you are aware Mrs Roberts will be leaving the school on Friday after 17 years. Her replacement will be Mrs Alison Wilkins who is presently school clerk at Ynyshir Primary.
End of term
Just to remind parents that school closes for the summer term on Friday July 17th at 3.15pm for infants and 3.30pm for juniors. We wish you all a very happy and enjoyable summer break.
Mrs Holley.
Sadly Mrs Holly will be retiring next Friday as our school crossing patrol lady, after over 30 years of service! We wish her all the very best for her retirement and thank her for all her efforts, come rain or shine, over years.
Please remember that dogs are not to be brought into the school at any time. Thank you for your co-operation.
Lost property
The lost property pile has grown to titanic proportions! Please do encourage your child to check the pile for lost items. Any items left at the end of the school year will be recycled.
Pontyclun Primary School Dates for the year 2009/2010
Thursday September 3rd
School opens for children
Monday 5th October– Friday October 9th
Whole school eco week
Friday 18th September
Training Day, school closed for children
Tuesday October 20th / Wednesday October 21st
Parents consultation evening
Tuesday September 29th
Parents information evening – an opportunity for parents to hear the schools self -evaluation report and plans for the year ahead.
Monday 26th October- Friday 30th October
Half term school closed to children
Monday November 2nd
Training Day, school closed for children
Friday December 5th
Training Day, school closed for children
Monday December 7th – Thursday December 10th
School Inspection
Monday 21st December –Friday January 2nd
School closed for Christmas Break
Monday January 4th
Training Day, school closed for children
Tuesday February 2nd / Wednesday February 3rd
Junior pantomime performance
Tuesday 9th / Wednesday 10th February
Parents consultation evening
Monday 15th – Friday 19th February
Half term school closed for children
Friday 26th March
School egg rolling competition
Foundation Phase Easter bonnet parade
Monday 29th March- Friday 10th April
School closed for Easter Break
Tuesday 25th May
Junior sports day
Wednesday 26th May
Infant activity afternoon
Tuesday 8th June
Reserve sports day for Juniors
Wednesday 9th June
Reserve activity afternoon for infants
Friday June 25th
Reports to parents
Thursday July 1st
Reports surgery
Tuesday 6th July Wednesday 7th July
Infants end of year concert
Monday 12th July
Year 6 leavers assembly
Tuesday 13th July/ Wednesday 14th July
Juniors end of year concert.
Monday July 19th
School closed for summer break
Please be aware dates may need to be changed due to unforeseen circumstances but as much notice as possible will be given. Additional events will be added throughout the year and more detailed information regarding the above dates will be provided nearer to the time.