Dear parents,
Welcome back for the summer term, I can’t believe we are in the final term already and looking at end of term arrangements. We have a busy term lined up but are all really looking forward to the different and exciting activities planned.
Dates for the term as far as possible are on the back of this letter and will also be posted on the blog.
Infant fort.
The new fort was installed during the Easter break and appears to be a huge success. Big thanks must go to Mrs Monk for securing the funding from Royal Bank of Scotland and helping in the different stages of the project. Also big thanks to the PTA for their assistance with the funding. I am sure you will agree that it’s a fantastic resource for your children and will enhance their playtimes and lunchtimes.
Llangrannog trip.
Can monies for the year 5 residential trip please be settled promptly. Llangrannog will be sending the relevant information regarding activities, clothing lists, dietry and medical requirements very shortly.
Laptop donation.
Thank you to Mrs Standfast who was able to secure the school a band new laptop computer via the Welsh Assembly Government. Such donations are a great help to the school in maintaining and improving the ICT provision we can afford your children.
Lost Property
The lost property box is full to overflowing again. All uncollected items will be disposed off on Friday. Please do encourage your child to check the box for lost or missing items.
Comic Relief
We raised a tremendous £412.00. Well done to everybody!
Dinner Money
Just to remind parents the price of school dinners has risen to £7.75 per week for both infants and juniors. Please be aware price increases are made by Catering Direct and not the school.
Dates for the term.: Summer 2009
5th and 7th May
Parents evenings
18th May
KS2 sports day
Weather permitting, more details closer to the event
19th May
KS1 sports day
Weather permitting, more details closer to the event
School closed to pupils
8th June
Year 6 CATS testing for Y Pant.
Very important- helps Y Pant sort out their classes for next year.
5th June
Oakwood KS2
Provisional date, awaiting confirmation
9th/11th June
KS1 trip
Provisional dates venue to be confirmed. Details to follow closer to the time.
12 June
School Photographer
17th 18th June
Trips for the house point winners 1st KS2 2nd KS1
Venue to be decided by winners
23rd June
New Parents evening- Nursery- 6pm
3rd July
Reports out
8th July
A.G.M for parents
July 8th
Year 6 to Y Pant- Transition day for all classes. New nursery children visit
9th July
Reports surgery
13th July
Yr 6 Presentation night
14/15 July
Evening performances 6pm start.
Additional dates may be added as the term progresses. We will endeavour to keep to the above dates as far as possible but please be aware that due to changing circumstances it may be necessary to change dates. Notice of changes will be given at the first opportunity.