Friday 20th March
Dear parent(s),
Thank you for the feedback regarding the last letter, as a result of the letter I have had one or two queries that I would like to clear up and share with you.
When the children eat their evening meal they will be provided with water free of charge, if they want something else to drink they will be charged.
We will take 10 Euros (total) off each child for the three nights entertainment when we arrive at resort.
Unfortunately, after research I have hit a barrier regarding our taster sessions at Fairwater Ski School. Following discussion with them it was explained that with such a large group we would need 3 separate sessions at Fairwater Ski School to give the children a worthwhile lesson. Due to the close proximity of the Kingswood trip, we are unable to make 3 trips to the centre before we go. Sorry for any inconvenience.
As safety is our main concern we have arranged for all of the children to have safety helmets whilst on the slopes. There is however an additional cost of £5, (which Edwards didn’t include in your final price and have passed onto us), could you please send the money into Mrs. Roberts inside an envelope with your child’s passport (as explained below) by next Monday 23rd march. I can assure you that there will be no further charges.
After consultation with a number of parents and discussion between schools we have decided to allow pupils to take a mobile phone if they wish. We would ask that they be given to the teachers for safekeeping at the beginning of the trip. They will then be handed out on arrival and each evening that your child asks to use the phone to call home. This is an attempt to stop scenarios such as: Children becoming homesick for a short while, calling home and upsetting parents. After 15 minutes pupils feel far better and are enjoying themselves once again, however the parent is still at home worrying.
Pleases note: There is no need for a mobile phone to be taken as there is a pay phone at resort, also updates of the trip will be made via the News blog. choose blog then news.
I hope that all of your questions have been answered in the correspondences that I have recently sent out. Enclosed is the final itinerary for the trip and the insurance details. If you have any questions regarding the trip please feel free to send a letter into school, email me at or of course pop in and have a chat. As many parents have work commitments I have arranged for the main hall to be available between 4.45pm and 5.30pm next Wednesday 25th March. No additional information will be given out at this date but if you do wish to discuss any aspect of the trip with me please feel free to come along to the main hall.
Thank you once again
Mr. Llewellyn
Monday 23 rd March:
· Please could all passports and any medication that you wish us to take for your child be given to the school secretary Mrs. S. Roberts by Monday 23 March, (the Monday before we go). All medication (E.g. Piriton) must have your child’s name clearly marked on the bottle/packet and placed inside a bag/container with your child’s name on it. Instructions on how to administer the medicine and a parents signature must be included to say that we can administer the medicine if required. You can pick them up from the office the day after we get back Friday 3rd April or after the Easter holidays.