School Calendar

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Rugby Club After School

Dear Parents

Due to the poor weather conditions and after a pitch inspection, Rugby has been cancelled for today.

S Harwood

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Breakfast Club information

Dear Parents

Thank you all very much for your co-operation this week.   I realise it has been very disruptive to all.

I am pleased to inform you that Breakfast Club will be open tomorrow as normal. 

As ice is forecast again overnight, please could pupils go to their respective halls in the morning, where pupils will be registered and taken to their classes.

Many thanks again for your understanding in these circumstances.

Miss S. Harwood

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Update for Thursday 24th January

Dear parents,

After carrying out a further health and safety check of the school and surrounding area today we have decided to open the school as normal tomorrow Thursday 24th January , however there will be no breakfast club.

There are safe pathways around the school, and we would ask that all pupils and parents stick to them. Please be aware that as the yard is still covered with snow, pupils will have indoor play until the yards are clear.

If you feel that you can get your child to school safely we will be open as normal but will register the children in their respective halls just in case some members of staff have difficulty arriving tomorrow.

• End of school day - As normal although country dancing is cancelled

We ask that pupils wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions. If weather conditions worsen overnight please check this blog for updates.

Please take extra care when dropping your child to school over the next few days. If you feel that it is unsafe to bring your child to school we understand in this instance.

Thank you for your continued support and  understanding, it really is appreciated,

Miss S. Harwood

Update for tomorrow at 8pm

School Closed Today Wednesday 23rd January

Dear parents, in order to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff, the school will be closed today Wednesday  23rd January.

Today's decision to close has been more difficult than Friday's. However when deciding to open or close a school there are many factors to consider.
  • The safety of pupils, parents and staff when using the school paths, car park and yards,
  • The surrounding side roads,
  • Whether a significant number of staff can get to school on time in order to open.
After clearing much of the yard yesterday, a further one to two and a half inches has fallen overnight. When considering the above, speaking to the chair of governors, the caretaker and staff  we  have no option but to close the school today.

Many thanks for your continued co-operation and understanding,

Miss S Harwood

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snow Update for Wednesday 23rd January

Dear parents,


Thank you all very much for your co-operation once again this morning. The staggered start ensured that the icy roads around the school were safer for all pedestrians. After carrying out a further health and safety check of the school and surrounding area, the roads and pavements have improved, therefore we have decided to operate a normal start and finish to the school day tomorrow. However, we do ask all pupils and parents to ensure that they take extreme care and allow extra time to get to school as conditions may still be icy early in the morning.


Even though we have managed to clear some of the snow from the yards, (thank you to those parents who were able to help us do this) pupils will be reminded to walk on safe areas of the yard.


If you feel that you can get your child to school safely we will be open as normal but we regret to inform you that we are still not able to operate our breakfast club tomorrow Wednesday 23rd January.


We ask that pupils wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions. If weather conditions worsen overnight please check this blog for updates.


If you feel that it is unsafe to bring your child to school we understand in this instance. If weather conditions worsen tomorrow and you need to pick your child up early we will accommodate this.


Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in this matter.


Miss S. Harwood


'Simply Out of School' (after-school care p)

Dear Parents

We have been informed by Lucy at Simply Out of School this morning, that there will be no after-school care today (Tuesday) due to transportation difficulties.

Please keep in touch with Simply Out of School staff for further updates.

S Harwood

Update for Tuesday 22nd of January

Dear parents, despite several members of staff being unable to make it in this morning, we are open.  Please check the blog for updates during the day.

Monday, 21 January 2013

School Arrangements for Tuesday 22nd January

Dear parents,

Thank you all very much for your co-operation this morning. The staggered start ensured that the icy roads around the school were safer for all pedestrians. After carrying out a further health and safety check of the school and surrounding area, the roads and pavements are still icy, therefore we have decided to operate a staggered start to the school day tomorrow.

There are safe pathways around the school, and we would ask that all pupils and parents stick to them. Please be aware that as the yard is still covered with snow, pupils will have indoor play until the yards are clear. If there is no further significant snow tonight, we will try to clear the yards tomorrow. Anyone who would like to help us clear the yard tomorrow morning, as you drop your child to school please bring a shovel. This will further help us get back to a normal routine quickly, and help would be very much appreciated.

If you feel that you can get your child to school safely we will be open from :

• Nursery, reception, Years 1 and 2 at 8.50am please report to the infant hall where registers will be taken.

• Key stage two pupils (years 3,4,5 and 6) at 9.15am - please report to the hall where registers will be taken. If you have siblings who are in the infants and juniors they can both start at the earlier time and should both report to their respective halls.

• Unfortunately there will be no breakfast club again tomorrow.

• End of school day - As normal although rugby club and netball club is cancelled

We have asked the infant pupils to be in earlier tomorrow, to be fair to all parents who have work commitments.

We ask that pupils wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions. If weather conditions worsen overnight please check this blog for updates.

We appreciate that this will cause inconvenience, however the health and safety of pupils and staff is paramount.

Please take extra care when dropping your child to school over the next few days. If you feel that it is unsafe to bring your child to school we understand in this instance. If weather conditions worsen tomorrow and you need to pick your child up early we will accommodate this. We are hoping to be back to a normal school day, including breakfast club on Wednesday. We will keep you updated as the week goes on.

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Miss S. Harwood

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Arrangements for Monday 21st January

Dear parents,

After carrying out a health and safety check of the school and surrounding roads, we have decided to open the school tomorrow Monday 21st January. However, for safety reasons we are going to operate a staggered start and finish to the school day. The biggest danger in the area is ice, therefore we want to stagger the amount of traffic arriving at school. Our caretaker Mr. Williams has worked extremely hard to ensure that the are safe pathways around the school, and we would ask that all pupils and parents stick to them as there may be ice underneath the snow. (Please be aware that as the yard is still covered with snow pupils will therefore have indoor play).  

If you feel that you can get your child to school safely we will be open from : 
  • The school will be open to staff at 9.30am
  • Key stage two pupils (years 3,4,5 and 6) at 9.45am - please report to the hall where registers will be taken
  •  Nursery,  reception, Years 1 and 2 at 10.15 am  please report to the infant hall where registers will be taken. If you have siblings who are in the infants and juniors they can both start at the earlier time and should both report to the junior hall. 
  • There will be no breakfast club
  • End of school day -  Nursery,  reception, Years 1 and 2 will finish at 3pm. 
  • Key stage two pupils (years 3,4,5 and 6) will finish at 3.30pm.   If you have siblings who are in the infants and juniors they can be picked up together at the earlier time. 
Infant pupils who are going to after school club will be kept in school until their staff arrive at 3.15pm. Junior pupils going to after school club will do so as normal.   

We ask that pupils wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions. If weather conditions worsen overnight please check this blog for updates. 

We appreciate that this will cause inconvenience, however the health and safety of pupils and staff  is paramount.

Please take extra care when dropping your child to school over the next few days.  

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. 

Miss S. Harwood

Friday, 18 January 2013

School closed Friday 18th January

Dear parents, in order to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff, the school will be closed today Friday the 18th January.

With the quantity of snow that has fallen and the advice from the Welsh Government for only essential travel, this appears to be the only sensible decision at this time. 

Many thanks for your co-operation and understanding in this matter,

Miss S Harwood

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Snow Update

Dear Parents,
As you are aware, snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning.  We will make the decision on whether to close or not in the morning. This decision will be taken with the pupils and staff’s safety in mind.
The information will be posted on the blog and RCT website. Please access these in the morning. I hope to have the decision posted by 7.45, so that those who attend breakfast club will have the necessary information. If we have no snow tonight, and it starts snowing tomorrow, please could you make alternative arrangements if we have to close during the day.( Please ensure we have correct contact numbers).
Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.
Miss S Harwood