School Calendar

Friday, 14 September 2012

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the new year and I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. We are very excited to be starting a new learning journey together.

Dinner Money

Just a reminder that the price of our school dinners has gone up to £2.08 per day, £10.40 per week. Please could you send all monies in on a Monday, cheques are to made out to Pontyclun Primary School Fund. The online payment option is available to use at

Contact details

Please could you keep us informed of any changes in contact details so that we can keep our records updated. Any changes in contact details can be written in a short letter and passed to the class teacher.


Please find a list of clubs on the reverse of this letter that are available to children from year 2-6. We will make every effort to ensure that clubs run every week, however, if a club has to be cancelled we will let you know as early as possible. Unless otherwise stated the club will start this week commencing 17th September.

Important dates for your diary

Half term- 29th October to 2nd November

Parents’ Evening- 13th and 14th November

There is a delay in sending out our INSET days for the year, as we are awaiting a decision from the Local Education Authority for our next Reading Training event. We will advise you of these dates as soon as we receive them.

Many thanks for your continued co-operation,

Yours sincerely,

Miss S Harwood

After school clubs 3.30-4.15pm


Maths club Yr 2 Miss Spackman (Until half term) /

Games club Yr 2 Mrs Vaughan (After half term)

Boys football Yr 3/4 – Mr. Bevan

Boys football Yr 5/6 – Mr Llewellyn

Cricket Yr 4,5 and 6 – Mr Bevan (Summer Term)

Art club Yr 5/6 Miss Robinson


Netball Yr 3/4 Miss Wool

Netball Yr 5/6 Mrs Gardiner

Pet club Yr 3 (Autumn term), Yr4 (Spring), Yr 5 (Summer)

Rugby Yr 4/5/6 Mr Williams


Country dancing yrs3/4/5/6 Mrs Abel/ Mrs Brown (After half term)

Lunchtime Clubs   12-12.30pm


Recorder club Yr2 Miss Evans (Spring and Summer term)

Needlecraft club Year 2 (Spring and Summer term)

Chess club Yr 3/4/5/6 Mr Williams

Welsh club Yr 6 Mrs Hutchings


Girls football Yr 4/5/6 Mr. Bevan

Cross Country Yr3,4,5and 6 (Summer term)


Athletics/squash yrs 4/5/6 Mr Williams