School Calendar

Friday, 23 September 2011

Newsletter 23.09.11

23 September 2011

Dear Parents

Scooters, bikes and dogs
Please may I remind parents that dogs are not permitted onto the school yard, either walked or carried.

There seems to have been a recent trend of children coming to school on bikes and scooters and then using these on the playground before and after school. This has resulted in a number of “near misses”. Therefore, we would request that bikes and scooters are not used at any time in the school yard.

School Uniform
A number of items have already been put in the lost property box and are not named. Please do ensure that your child’s name is clearly labelled on the clothing. Could you also please check that sweatshirts and hoodies do belong to your child as a number of named items have also gone missing. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Harvest Festival
We will be having an in-school Harvest assembly on Friday 30th September. We will also be collecting loose change to fill our harvest picture with. Please could children come to school on Friday with their loose change collections.

Lunchtime Supervisors
We currently have a Lunchtime Supervisor’s position available working in the Foundation Phase.
If you are interested in this position or know of anyone who would be interested please contact the office on 01443 237833. The hours of work would be Monday to Friday 12 to 1.10 p.m. The salary is £151.53 gross per month.
It has been brought to my attention that some students have been using this website outside school and in doing so have been indecently propositioned. It would be advisable if parents check their child’s internet usage and act appropriately with regard to this website.

Polite Reminder
Can parents please be aware that the Junior school finishes at 3.30 p.m. and children will often be in P.E. lessons in the yard until at least 3.25 p.m. A number of parents are arriving early and congregating in the Junior yard which is impacting on teaching. Would parents please wait down the side of the school by the bicycle shed if lessons are ongoing.

Should a parent need to speak to a member of staff, unless it is of the utmost urgency, please could you do so at the end of the school day rather than at the beginning as this is starting to impact on teaching time for your children.

Holiday Absence
If parents are considering booking their annual holidays during term time, please do consider that taking two weeks’ holiday per year throughout a school career, results in at least 24 missed weeks. This is the equivalent of over two-thirds of a school year. Please bear this in mind when asking for authorised holiday absence.

Yours sincerely

H Roberts

Monday, 12 September 2011

Extra Curricular Clubs - Autumn Term 2011

Dear Parents

Please find below a list of all lunchtime and after school clubs for this Autumn Term.

Should there be any amendment or cancellation, we shall endeavour to keep you up to date on our blog.

Boys football Yrs 5/6 – Mr Llewellyn - 3.30 - 4.15 p.m.
Maths club Yr 2 Miss Spackman - 3.30 - 4.15 p.m.
Art club Yrs 5/6 Mrs Watkin-Carter - 3.30-4.15pm

Chess club Yrs 3/4/5/6 Mr Williams - Lunchtime
Rugby Yrs 4/5/6 Mr Williams - 3.30-4.15pm
Games club Yr 2 Mrs Vaughan/ Miss Jones - 3.30-4.15pm
Netball Yrs 4/5/6 Mrs Gardiner - 3.30-4.15pm
Showstoppers Yrs 3/4/5/6 Mrs Davies - 3.30-4.15pm

Welsh club Yr 6 Mrs Hutchings - Lunchtime
Guitar club Yrs 3/4 Miss Davies - Lunchtime (ability to play some chords and own guitar required)

Girls football Yrs 5/6 Mr Llewellyn - Lunchtime
Country dancing Yrs 3/4/5/6 Mrs Abel/ Mrs Brown - 3.30-4.15pm
Boys football Yr 4 Mr Burgess - 3.30-4.15pm

Athletics/Squash Yrs 4/5/6 Mr Williams - Lunchtime
Pet club Yr 6 Mrs Watkin-Carter - Lunchtime

Yours sincerely
H Roberts

Saturday, 10 September 2011

What a summer at Pontyclun Primary

Pontyclun's Got Talent

Junior Sports Day and the

Year 6 End of Year Ball

Friday, 2 September 2011

Dear Parents,
Just to confirm, Monday September 5th is a staff training day. School opens for pupils on Tuesday September 6th.