School Calendar

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Easter At Pontyclun Primary School

Easter at Pontyclun means our annual Easter Bonnet Parade and Egg Rolling competitions. This year we saw some fantastic bonnets and some " eggstraordinarily " long egg rolls. Well done to all the pupils and parents who worked hard on the bonnets and eggs.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Newsletter 12.04.11

12 April 2011 Dear Parents Red Nose Day A big thank you to all those who contributed so generously towards the Red Nose Day collection. A staggering £1,288.06 was raised for this worthwhile cause. Miss Harwood would like to thank all those parents who contributed tins of tomatoes!! Easter Bonnet Parade Just to remind parents that this Friday is our Easter Bonnet Parade. Prizes will be awarded to individual classes. Egg Rolling Egg Rolling will also take place this Friday for all classes (Infant and Junior). If you wish your child to take part, please can children bring in a hard boiled egg, which can be decorated. Again, prizes will be awarded to individual classes. Uniform is to be worn as normal. Packed Lunches The amount of food waste from packed lunches has increased immeasurably this term with some children disposing of sandwiches and fruit and only eating crisps and chocolate. Please could parents discuss with their children the need to eat a healthy balanced lunch to ensure they have the nutrients needed to help them concentrate through the afternoon. Dinner Money Please ensure that all outstanding monies are settled by Friday as all arrears have to be reported to the LEA. Also, would Nursery parents please ensure that their child’s name is clearly marked on the back of the cheque to avoid confusion. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Training Day A final reminder to parents that Tuesday, 3rd May is a training day and will be closed to pupils. School re-opens for the Summer Term on Wednesday, 4th May. Don’t forget that Monday 6th June is our final training day and school will be closed to pupils. Parents Evenings Parents evenings for both Nursery and Miss Spackman’s class, will be on Tuesday 10th May and Wednesday 11th May. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that staff absences may have caused. NFER Testing Every year, pupils from Reception to Year 6 undertake a standardized test in Maths and English. These tests that the week beginning 9th May will be our NFER testing week so full attendance would be appreciated. Yours sincerely H Roberts Headteacher


14 April 2011 Dear Parents We have had a number of cases brought to our attention regarding headlice. It appears that despite some parents treating their children appropriately, re-infestation is still occurring. Please do check your child’s hair for headlice and treat accordingly. Hopefully, the Easter break will allow for the situation to be resolved. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Yours sincerely H Roberts Headteacher

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Country Dancing

12.04.11 Dear Parents Please note that there will be no Welsh Dancing this week. It will however, re-commence after the Easter holidays on Thursday 5th May. Thank you Mrs Reed Class Teacher

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Dear Parents Unfortunately, due to the weather and the pitch conditions, the rugby has had to be postponed. We will inform you of an arranged date in due course. Yours sincerely H Roberts Headteacher

Friday, 1 April 2011

Year 6's return from Kingswood

Dear Parents

Year 6 have just left Kingswood after a very enjoyable but tiring few days. We all look forward to welcoming them back to school between 3 p.m to 3.30 p.m.

Yours sincerely

Mr. Llewellyn