School Calendar

Friday 3 April 2009

What a trip!!!

Myself, Mr. Williams, Miss Baker and Mrs. Gardiner were still tired today after being back a whole day from Austria. I hope your children are telling you all about their amazing trip in great detail, we teachers been doing the same all day! Here are some pictures of our fun time skiing - after the Easter holidays I hope to be able to offer all parents a cd of pictures of the best school trip ever!!!! I would personally like to thank the pupils who have been outstanding ambassadors for the school, and a credit to their parents. As we left the hotel the entire staff came out to wave farewell, the bus drivers said that although they usually take secondary schools they would much prefer to take a primary school after this experience. Compliments such as these were thick and fast over the trip and it made all staff members proud to be their teachers. Well done to all the children.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Dear Parents,
Just to let you know the skiers have arrived in Dover and are set to arrive back in school at approx 2.30pm. All are fit and well and have an absolutely fantastic time.
I would like to take this opportunity to firstly say a big thank you to all the teachers who have gone skiing for all their hard work. I must also single out Mr Llewellyn with a special mention and say an additional thank you for organising such a wonderful opportunity and for keeping us up to date through the trip, via the blog.
Secondly can I congratulate the children for being such fine ambassadors for the school. We are really proud of their attitude and behaviour through-out the trip, they have been a credit to us all.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Dear parents,
If your child is in year 6 and not currently skiing then have a look at the year 6 blog to see their exciting project work on 'Rocket Science.'

Would parents please be aware that we will be holding our annual egg rolling competition on Friday 3rd April. Could children please bring in a hard boiled egg ready to roll! Thank you for your co-operation.